Applications for the 2017 Lighting Energy Efficiency in Parking (LEEP) campaign are rolling in! Submit your parking site for consideration for a 2017 LEEP Award.
To join the LEEP campaign, complete the 2017 LEEP spreadsheet and submit it to Parksmart by June 2, 2017.
The LEEP campaign recognizes high-achieving parking facilities that have achieved exceptional energy reductions at parking facilities through high-efficiency lighting and controls. The campaign offers free guidance to parking facility owners and managers, enabling them to take advantage of savings opportunities from high-efficiency lighting solutions in their parking facilities.
How does LEEP help?
Participating building owners and managers agree to identify potential parking lots of parking structures that can apply high-efficiency lighting technology and to install such lighting where feasible and cost-effective. In return, they receive a number of free resources, including
- A lighting project evaluation calculator.
- A financial analysis tool.
- Case studies demonstrating financial and energy savings.
- A library of incentives and financing opportunities.
- Lighting specifications.
What has LEEP achieved?
Since November 2015, participating LEED campaign members have collectively saved over 120 million kilowatt-hours and over $12 million annually. That’s equivalent to saving the electricity consumed by 11,000 homes each year. So far, LEEP participants have also improved 493 million square feet of high-performance lighting.
Take the LEEP! Join the more than 200 members of the LEEP team who are saving money and energy each year.