
Parksmart, formerly known as Green Garage Certification, is the world’s only rating system designed to advance sustainable mobility through smarter siting, design and operations while using fewer resources.

View the current list of Parksmart Advisors who lead clients through the certification process by evaluating parking facilities’ sustainable attributes and preparing their applications for certification submission (.xlsx).

Overview of the Parksmart certification process, including eligibility information and fees. For use with the Parksmart Certification Standard Version 1.0 with Addenda. (PDF)

LEED and Parksmart work hand in hand. For parking structures within a LEED project boundary, some achieved LEED credits can also earn Parksmart measure recognition. In addition, some achieved Parksmart measures can contribute to a LEED certification as innovation points. This document provides guidance for projects seeking to leverage the synergies between Parksmart and LEED.