If you are looking to learn more about Parksmart or sustainability in parking, look no further! Our USGBC Education Partner International Parking Institute (IPI) has you covered with best-in-class educational offerings designed to help grow your knowledge.
Parking courses
Sustainability in Parking
Cost: $45 (or through a subscription to Education @USGBC)
Learn how the parking industry works with the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit. This course outlines frameworks that guide the industry to high-performing assets and greater sustainability. It includes decisions and impacts on parking design, facilities and operations based on IPI’s Framework on Sustainability and the Parksmart certification program.
Parksmart Advisor
Cost: $325
This training leads participants through the Parksmart certification process, offering a deep dive into the specific management, programmatic, technological and structural elements of Parksmart. The course equips attendees with the knowledge to lead a facility through certification, including how to evaluate a parking facility and the process for submitting facilities for certification. Attendees who take and pass the course will earn a professional certificate.
Transportation Demand Management: Parking Strategies
Cost: $45 (or through a subscription to Education @USGBC)
This course reviews Transportation Demand Management strategies, with a focus on those involving parking. These strategies will be illustrated using examples from various organizations that have used TDM to successfully improve employee and patron commutes and the overall transportation experience, as well as help mitigate parking constraints.
Foundations of Finance
Cost: $45 (or through a subscription to Education @USGBC)
In this interactive course, you work for the "City of Park" to build a 1,000-parking-space structure before a new shopping center opens. Course participants will develop a financial model and budget for operations and capital planning, illustrate the fundamentals of bond financing, interpret the financial statements and reporting requirements and explain fiduciary responsibility, with a focus on financial audits.
Greening Communities Through Parking
Cost: $45 (or through a subscription to Education @USGBC)
In this reading-based course, you will learn about the thoughts sustainability leaders have about green parking, what’s ahead and why this initiative is so important, along with how it fits into LEED.
From Asphalt to Green Infrastructure: Transforming Surface Parking
Cost: $45 (or through a subscription to Education @USGBC)
This webinar highlights innovations in sustainability practices that organizations can implement for surface lots and greening a neighboring community. Conventional parking lot designs create problems for cities and the environment, including water pollution, heat island effects and air quality issues. Looking at parking lot design in a new light allows an organization to take advantage of sustainable innovations.
Education @USGBC
A subscription to Education @USGBC gives you access to over 500 courses, including those related to sustainability in parking, SITES, LEED, WELL and other general sustainability education topics. Subscribing to Education @USGBC costs only $199, or $175 for USGBC members.