What’s in a name? Everything—especially for an organization like the International Parking Institute, whose identity and mission have transformed profoundly since its 1962 founding. Which is why, after much consideration and widespread support from our membership, we have changed our name from the International Parking Institute (IPI) to the International Parking and Mobility Institute (IPMI).
Our new, broadened name reflects significant changes in the industry and the larger sphere, where mobility has emerged as a more inclusive term for the expanding role of parking professionals. The IPMI umbrella incorporates parking and mobility—and thus will better serve our members by ensuring future opportunities for growth.
Since we announced the name change a few weeks ago, the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. The new name accurately reflects that the industry is now part of an interconnected, choice-driven network that encompasses parking, transportation and mobility. Among the factors driving this shift are the explosive growth of ride-hailing/transportation network companies such as Uber and Lyft, car- and bike-sharing, and effective mass-transit systems—all of which signal a growing consciousness of environmentally friendly choices and sustainability.
As we saw in our 2018 Emerging Trends survey, the people in our industry are responsible for so much more than parking. More than 90 percent, for example, responded that the term “parking and transportation or mobility professionals” is a more apt description of their jobs, which can encompass such tasks as curb management, alternative commuting methods and data collection.
So we listened—and responded with a new organizational name that better positions our industry going forward.
As you’ll see, we’ve made some immediate changes, and others will be phased in over time. Our website is now parking-mobility.org, and staff email addresses reflect the domain parking-mobility.org. IPMI’s current governance structure, staff and contacts will remain the same.
Our role as an education partner with USGBC is to offer sustainability education and Parksmart Advisor training. Because IPMI is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is accredited to issue the IACET CEU, the growing number of online courses we’ve developed are opportunities to learn while earning continuing education credits.
We hope to see you all at the IPMI Conference and Expo in Anaheim, California, June 9–12, where you’ll learn more about other exciting changes, including expanded offerings and mobility-oriented surprises, on the Expo Hall floor.