Heading to Greenbuild this year? To help you plan your days, here are some of the offerings focused on Parksmart, the world’s only rating system designed to advance sustainable mobility through smarter parking structure design and operation. Developed by industry experts, the Parksmart framework guides projects toward innovative, solutions-oriented strategies.
- Parksmart: An Introductory Workshop for Certifying Parking Structures (Monday, Oct. 3, 1:30–5:30 p.m.): This workshop introduces attendees to the complex relationships among parking, transportation and sustainability, culminating in the certification of parking structures under the Parksmart program. This session will provide a comprehensive understanding of the program and will examine the relationships and evolution of parking under LEED®—and now, Parksmart.
- Parksmart/LEEP Parking Lighting Recognition (Wednesday, Oct. 5, 4:30–5:30 p.m.): This session celebrates the builders of parking and transportation’s new, sustainable model. The 2016 LEEP (Lighting Energy Efficiency in Parking) Awards recognize parking asset owners leading the way by adopting high-performance, energy-efficient lighting and controls that cut energy consumption and costs up to 70 percent—and produce better light, as well.
We will honor the pioneering parking structures that have achieved Parksmart certification. Participants will be able to describe the approaches and achievements of parking asset owners who have achieved dramatic energy savings and exemplary sustainable performance, as well as analyze and evaluate their own sites for recognition by the 2017 LEEP campaign and for Parksmart certification.
Want to learn more? Subject matter experts will be available throughout the conference at Parksmart Booth #1515 and in the GBCI Certification Work Zone. Visit them to register your project and to speak with members of the team about Parksmart certification.
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