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Once a year, the leaders in parking and sustainability from across the world gather to soak up the latest data and technology disruptions, celebrate innovation and compare notes with colleagues about how to manage the 90 percent of time that the world’s billions of cars are waiting for their next jaunt.
Performance and sustainability will be front and center this year, as the rapidly transforming $25 billion dollar parking industry gathers at the 2017 International Parking Institute (IPI) Conference and Expo from May 21–24, 2017 in New Orleans.
Register for the 2017 IPI Conference
We’ve compiled a list of all of the offerings at the conference focused on Parksmart and sustainability in parking:
- The conference kicks off on Sun., May 21 with a full-day Parksmart Advisor training, delivering everything you need to know to lead a client and facility through the Parksmart certification process. The course offers a deep dive into the specific management, programmatic, technological and structural elements of certification.
- Attend “High-Performance Parking: Parksmart, Market Transformation, and Sustainable Mobility” to learn about the business opportunity behind the next generation of parking. Attendees will learn about how creating high-performing, integrated and energy-efficient garages through pursuing Parksmart certification can produce more mobility and use fewer resources.
- Stop by the Parksmart booth #931 in the expo hall. Subject matter experts will be available throughout the conference. Visit them to register a project or speak with members of the team about Parksmart certification.
- Check out the IPI Parking Research Committee’s “Park Your Data Here” session, which will explore the development of parking industry KPIs (key performance indicators) and how they can better help to define the industry and benchmark your program.
Check out these other conference sessions:
- The Role of Parking in Navigation, Mode Choice, and Driver Behavior
- Uber’s Effect on Parking
- The Future of Parking, Transportation, and Mobility: An Expert Panel
- The Role of Parking in Access and Mobility: A Major Player in Today's Transportation Infrastructure
- How Shared Autonomous Vehicles Will Affect Your Downtown Parking
- Emerging Trends in Personal Mobility and the Future of Structured Parking
- How Do Your Bike Lanes Glow: A Texas A&M Case Study
- Rethinking Bicycle Parking: How to Apply Emerging Policies, Design Standards, and Best Practices