Feature image: Brookfield’s Bank of America Plaza in Los Angeles, a Parksmart-certified garage, has 10 electric charge points.
Who ever thought that parking garages and surface lots would be the fueling stations of the future?
We are seeing more and more electric vehicle charging stations during our trips to the grocery store, shopping mall and movie theater. We even see them at the little shops on our main streets or in our downtown hubs. The stations are placed in convenient locations that allow electric vehicle owners to spend their charge-up time at a scheduled work or leisure activity.
As traditional gas stations become a thing of the past, where will people go to add air to their tires (whether riding on two wheels or four), clean their windshields, empty their recyclables or vacuum the interior of their vehicles?
Enter the full amenity bay concept of providing all of these requirements right next to, or as part of, an EV charging location within a facility. As fueling locations become more convenient, why shouldn’t access to the many amenities desired by automobile and bike owners become available as well?
In this new paradigm, both electric vehicle owners and users of traditional vehicles can keep their vehicles in top shape, right at their planned destination.
Many amenities complement the installation of an EV charging station within commercial and multifamily properties, including tire inflation devices, vacuums, recycling stations, windshield wash stations, bike repair stations, bike wash stations and auto floor mat cleaners. Even better, many of these amenities help support the sustainability goals of your parking operation.
Explore the Parksmart certification program, part of the suite of innovative certification programs now offered by GBCI, to learn how these garage enhancements benefit the environment and earn you points toward certification.