Whether your garage has already embraced cutting-edge sustainability strategies or is starting to evaluate ways to improve garage performance, Parksmart is a fit for you.
Over the past year, Parksmart has evolved to provide a tailored experience. Initially conceived as a tool to recognize industry leaders, Parksmart has expanded, now supporting all parking operations in their pursuit of improved performance and greater social impact.
Parksmart now enables you to employ garage improvements and document achievements on a certification timeline that meets your unique needs. Once registered, projects have five years to work toward certification with the support of GBCI staff—submitting measures on a schedule that you define.
If your garage is ready to achieve certification immediately following registration, you may submit all of your Parksmart measures at once. If you are seeking to use Parksmart as an improvement tool, you can submit one, five or 10 measures at a time over a two-, three- or five-year period. It is up to you how many measures to submit, and how often to submit them.
The Parksmart Planning Worksheet was created to help you set a timeline for submitting your measures:
- Identify the measures you plan to pursue.
- Set anticipated submission dates for each measure.
- Following registration, schedule a planning call with a member of the GBCI team. Review your proposed approach to certification, ask questions about particular measures and learn more about the certification process.
- Implement your tailored approach to Parksmart certification.
At GBCI, we are excited to support you and recognize your good work. Throughout the entire certification process, we are here to answer questions via email or join you for a call. It’s been impressive to see all of the innovations Parksmart projects have deployed to date. We look forward to learning about your own innovations and assisting you as you strive to further embrace sustainability.