University of Florida: Parking Garage 14

Gainesville, FL
Certification Level: 
Project Owner: 
University of Florida
Project Size: 
640,000 sq. ft.
Parking Operator: 
Ron Fuller
Property Manager: 
Scott Fox
Dan Ciarcia, Consultant
Project Overview: 

Parking Garage 14 replaced the commuter surface parking lot on Gale Lemerand Drive. This structure is 7 stories and over 640,000sf to support over 2,010 parking spaces. This project intends to consolidate both student and staff vehicle parking in a central location on campus. The parking structure includes many amenities that support various modes of transportation, including bicycle, bus, scooter, walking, and rideshare. Most unique to UF is the dynamic signage and space detection parking guidance system to quickly navigate drivers to available parking. The structure is made of local precast concrete, further accelerating the construction timeline.

Key sustainability features:
1. Relocation of Gator Gears bicycle rental program included sheltered bicycle parking, CCTV, and secured bicycle lockers. This infrastructure will encourage more commuters to locate themselves at the center of campus and travel throughout, further reducing traffic congestion while improving health through physical exercise. The project supports a full-service bicycle repair staff, offering annual bicycle safety training and a 24/7 bicycle fix-it station.
2. 97% (over 1,900 tons) of construction and demolition material was successfully diverted from our local landfills. The material diverted was recycled into new material.
3. Over 96% of the materials used to construct the building were regionally sourced. This is critical, considering that Gainesville is in the heart of Florida and the surrounding area is mostly water.
4. LED light technology improves energy efficiency while also lowering maintenance costs. Additionally, exterior dynamic signage and space detection parking guidance systems allow visitors to quickly navigate to available parking throughout the structure. This navigational system further reduces emissions through unnecessary hunting for an available parking spot.
5. This project encourages the use of electric vehicles by providing preferred parking near the elevators and Level 1 and Level 2 charging stations, free of charge.
6. The entire landscape uses reclaimed water for irrigation purposes. This water comes from the University’s wastewater treatment plant and has no costs.

Financial benefits:
1. Free tire inflation station conveniently keeps tires at optimal pressure, further improving fuel efficiency.
2. Solar-ready design increased structural support so that the entire top level could generate renewable energy while shading vehicles. Once funding becomes available, the project can support a 1.5 MW array, the largest expected on UF’s main campus.
3. This is the first parking structure on campus to support multiple recycling streams, including metal, plastic, glass, and cardboard.

Community benefits:
1. The seven-story structure has glass elevators with bird-friendly glazing that allow for beautiful views of the UF campus while supporting the existing migratory flyways.
2. Public Wifi and Security Blue Lights provide visitor connectivity and security 24/7.
3. Solar-powered bus stops provide light and charging opportunities while folks wait for their bus to arrive. There are over 20 bus routes within 0.5-mile walking distance from the parking structure.

"UF has been certifying green buildings for over 20 years," notes Dustin Stephany, Sustainable Building Coordinator at the University of Florida. "The Parksmart program allowed key decision-makers to explore unique sustainability opportunities that parking structures can provide for our regular commuters. Through this program, we successfully incorporated new technologies, extended support for alternative transportation, minimized our environmental impact, and expanded our campus recycling infrastructure.”