GBCI is now offering Parksmart precertification as an optional step in the certification process. This allows registered projects to review work already completed and confirm that they are on the correct path to certification. Once a project has successfully completed the precertification review, GBCI will provide formal recognition of the team’s efforts.
Precertified projects will maintain their Parksmart-registered status, but may also state to the market that they're on the path to certification.
A precertification review is conducted in the same manner as a traditional Parksmart review, with the exception that no measures are awarded during a precertification review. Such measures are instead marked as "anticipated." Note that all measures must be submitted for precertification review at once (incremental submission is not available for precertification).
Once a project is registered, the team may choose to apply for precertification by
- Emailing Parksmart indicating the project is ready to pursue precertification.
- Completing the precertification worksheet.
- Completing the precertification scorecard.
- Submitting for precertification review.
For more on precertification, email us to schedule a call with GBCI.