Parksmart is the world’s only rating system designed to advance sustainable mobility through smarter parking structure design and operation. Developed by industry experts, Parksmart offers a roadmap for new and existing parking facilities to use innovative, solutions-oriented strategies. Points are awarded to parking structures for forward-thinking and sustainable practices in three categories: management, programs and technology structure design.
Parksmart garages use energy-efficient lighting and ventilation systems, guidance systems that help drivers find parking faster, idle-reduction technologies, electric vehicle fueling stations, car sharing, bicycle parking and storm water management practices. The high-performance structures, technologies and practices of Parksmart-certified garages reduce energy consumption, maximize performance and minimize waste, as well as encouraging biking, car sharing, carpooling and alternative fuel vehicles.
Silver Spring Metro Plaza
Silver Spring, Maryland
Owner: Brookfield
Operator: Impark
Constructed in 1986, the 466-space Silver Spring Metro Plaza garage sits below over 700,000 square feet of office space and ground floor retail. Energy efficiency measures, garage recycling and responsible cleaning practices lessen the facility’s impact on the environment. With features that include access to the nearby Silver Spring metro station, car-share vehicles, EV fueling and bike sharing, this property is positioned a multimodal hub within the community.
Management highlights:
- Over 50 percent of garage waste diverted from landfills
- 120 percent oversell of spaces through shared parking program
- Decks cleaned with Green Seal-certified cleaners
Program highlights:
- Online reservations reduce patron circling
- Two car-share vehicles available for patron use
- 26 percent discount for drivers of alternative fuel vehicles
Technology structure design highlights:
- Pay-on-foot kiosk reduces vehicle idling on egress
- Four hours of free electric vehicle charging
- 95 percent of garage lighting fixtures controlled by occupancy sensors