Attend the April Parksmart Advisor training session, offered by the International Parking Institute (IPI) in partnership with GBCI, to elevate your professional practice, offer additional services to your clients and attract new business. The next series of Parksmart Advisor training is scheduled for April 10, 12, 17 and 19.
This training equips participants with the tools necessary to lead a parking structure through the Parksmart program, evaluate the sustainable attributes of their client’s parking facilities and prepare certification applicants for submission.
After taking this course, you will be able to
- Explain how Parksmart Advisors assist clients in the Parksmart evaluation and certification process.
- Illustrate the specific management, programmatic, technological and structural elements of certification.
- Demonstrate how Parksmart certification lowers costs, enhances value and achieves sustainability objectives.
- Evaluate parking structures using Parksmart tools and the certification process.
- Recognize, verify and encourage environmentally sustainable solutions in new, existing and retrofitted parking garages.
When: April 10, 12, 17 and 19 from 9–10:30 a.m. EST
Cost: $325 for IPI and USGBC members; $425 for nonmembers
To become a Parksmart Advisor, participants must attend all four 1.5-hour classes and pass an assessment. Seats are limited and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, so register early to confirm your seat.
Can’t make it to the April course? It will also be offered in August and November of 2018. Register now to reserve your spot.